Matt Hoffman
Former Lake County Assistant State's Attorney
25+ Years in Lake County
Aggravated Speeding
Lake County DUI
All Traffic Tickets

Work with a Former Lake County Traffic Prosecutor
Work with a Former Lake County Traffic Prosecutor
The HoffmanLaw Office defends drivers against Lake County, Illinois traffic tickets, speeding tickets and DUI charges at the Mundelein, Park City, Round Lake Beach and Waukegan courthouses. Call The HoffmanLaw Office at (847) 587-5000 for a free consultation.
Hello there! I'm attorney Matt Hoffman. I've been defending drivers against Lake County, Illinois traffic tickets since 2005. Before that, I prosecuted Lake County traffic tickets from 1999 to 2005.
I'm ready to put my experience to work for you in the defense of your Lake County traffic case.
Cases I handle include petty offense and aggravated speeding tickets, accident tickets, charges for driving on a suspended or revoked driver's license, no insurance tickets, DUI allegations, reckless driving and street racing tickets, commercial driver tickets, tickets issued to Illinois Graduated Driver's License holders and licensees from other States, and all other alleged Lake County moving violations.
A Record of Success
Over the years, I've helped many drivers avoid damaging convictions and burdensome license suspensions. In many cases, I've achieved the reduction or outright dismissal of all charges.
I've saved drivers lots of money in fines and court costs. I've helped other drivers undo license suspensions due to prior convictions and get back on the road.
I'm a lawyer who knows Illinois traffic law, the Lake County traffic courts, and I'm a highly experienced trial attorney.
For a free, zero-obligation consultation on your case, call me or fill out the form on this website. If you attach images of your ticket or tickets to that form, I'll be happy to review them.
Types of Tickets HoffmanLaw Defends in the Lake County Illinois Traffic Courts
Types of Tickets HoffmanLaw Defends in the Lake County Illinois Traffic Courts
Other Tickets